PD Dr. Raphael Zentner

funded by the Heisenberg program of the DFG

Fakultät für Mathematik
Universität Regensburg

Seminar on foundations in 3-manifold topology

We study foundational topics in 3-manifold topology. This term we will focus on Mapping class groups, Dehn's Lemma, the geometric classification of Lens spaces, the JSJ-decomposition, and residual finiteness

The seminar meets on Wednesday 2-4pm in M311. The first meeting is on Wednesday 15.10. from 2-4pm in M311.

We mainly use the following literature
  • [FM] B. Farb, D. Margalit, "A primer on mapping class groups", Princeton University Press
  • [M] B. Martelli "An Introduction to Geometric Topology", available on the arXiv
  • [H] J. Hempel, "3-manifolds", AMS Chelsea

Date Topic Speaker Literature
16.10. Some foundations about foliations Raphael Zentner
30.10. The Nielsen-Thurston classification of surface homeomorphisms Jose-Pedro Quintinilha [BF]
13.11. The Nielsen-Thurston classification of surface homeomorphisms II Jose-Pedro Quintinilha [BF]
20.11. The Nielsen-Thurston classification of surface homeomorphisms III Jose-Pedro Quintinilha [BF]
27.11. The Nielsen-Thurston classification of surface homeomorphisms IV Jose-Pedro Quintinilha [BF]
4.12. Dehn's Lemma Laura Marino [H]
18.12. Classification of lens spaces using foliations Pietro Capovilla [M]
10.1. Seifert fibered 3-manifolds and the JSJ-decomposition theorem Raphael Zentner [M]
15.1. Seifert fibered 3-manifolds and the JSJ-decomposition theorem II Raphael Zentner [M]
22.1. Residual finiteness Lars Munser
29.1. Residual finiteness II Lars Munser
5.2. Residual finiteness III Lars Munser